Standard Panel Title

Header Three Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse cursus lobortis nisi non elementum. Cras eu erat faucibus, egestas massa a, aliquam dolor.



Link to something

Header Four Style

Nunc ornare volutpat ipsum. Donec non blandit ante, quis porta velit. Duis ultricies tincidunt felis, non placerat leo. Aliquam consectetur sed sapien eget viverra.

Nam est leo, mollis quis lectus in,
hendrerit varius nisl.

Cras et maximus eros, ac tincidunt purus. Aliquam convallis risus quis mi placerat pellentesque. Aliquam pharetra risus vitae nunc semper vehicula. Etiam imperdiet, turpis eu pharetra faucibus, velit elit fermentum libero, sit amet gravida ex sem sit amet turpis. Etiam sed vestibulum erat, sit amet mattis est. Morbi at sem et nunc blandit aliquam ut ultrices erat.

Sample Link

Sample Table Column 1 Sample Table Column 2 Sample Table Column 3
This table was inserted through tinyMCE. All of the styles (borders, colors, alignment, paddings) can be edited through the tinyMCE editor. You can create multiple rows and columns.
You can assign which cells to be used as labels or "header cells" This table is completely responsive. It is best to not specify a width when creating tables as it will affect the responsiveness of the table (do not drag the edges of the cells - doing so will assign fixed widths to the cells).

Donec lobortis turpis nec sapien finibus, sed cursus lectus rutrum. Quisque ac purus non quam egestas pulvinar quis non mi. Mauris iaculis mi nibh, iaculis aliquet erat elementum in. Nam risus quam, malesuada id molestie id, sagittis vel ante.

Header Three Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse cursus lobortis nisi non elementum. Cras eu erat faucibus, egestas massa a, aliquam dolor.

Header Four Style

Nunc ornare volutpat ipsum. Donec non blandit ante, quis porta velit. Duis ultricies tincidunt felis, non placerat leo. Aliquam consectetur sed sapien eget viverra.

Cras et maximus eros, ac tincidunt purus. Aliquam convallis risus quis mi placerat pellentesque. Aliquam pharetra risus vitae nunc semper vehicula. Etiam imperdiet, turpis eu pharetra faucibus, velit elit fermentum libero, sit amet gravida ex sem sit amet turpis. Etiam sed vestibulum erat, sit amet mattis est. Morbi at sem et nunc blandit aliquam ut ultrices erat.

Donec lobortis turpis nec sapien finibus, sed cursus lectus rutrum. Quisque ac purus non quam egestas pulvinar quis non mi. Mauris iaculis mi nibh, iaculis aliquet erat elementum in. Nam risus quam, malesuada id molestie id, sagittis vel ante.

Second Tab Contents

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pulvinar turpis vel dapibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse in felis odio. Nunc nibh mi, venenatis iaculis nibh id, rutrum ornare justo. Curabitur malesuada auctor mi nec varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac fringilla libero. Cras vitae massa ac mauris dictum congue eget vel nibh.

Suspendisse in felis odio.

Mauris rutrum, elit ac convallis dapibus, sem purus ultricies mi, sed tempus mauris tellus at justo. Integer congue magna a massa suscipit, eget egestas nisl eleifend. Quisque cursus velit id lorem tempor finibus. Donec tellus felis, elementum id lacus ut, rutrum scelerisque lorem.

Third Tab Contents

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pulvinar turpis vel dapibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse in felis odio. Nunc nibh mi, venenatis iaculis nibh id, rutrum ornare justo. Curabitur malesuada auctor mi nec varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac fringilla libero. Cras vitae massa ac mauris dictum congue eget vel nibh.

Header 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sample of list items:

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3

Tab Contents

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pulvinar turpis vel dapibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse in felis odio. Nunc nibh mi, venenatis iaculis nibh id, rutrum ornare justo. Curabitur malesuada auctor mi nec varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac fringilla libero. Cras vitae massa ac mauris dictum congue eget vel nibh.

Tab Contents

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pulvinar turpis vel dapibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse in felis odio. Nunc nibh mi, venenatis iaculis nibh id, rutrum ornare justo. Curabitur malesuada auctor mi nec varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac fringilla libero. Cras vitae massa ac mauris dictum congue eget vel nibh.

ToolHound’s Real Advantage Is That It Boosts Your Bottom Line.

Cras et maximus eros, ac tincidunt purus. Aliquam convallis risus quis mi placerat pellentesque. Aliquam pharetra risus vitae nunc semper vehicula.

Side by Side Panel

Potomac Electric Power Company

"With approximately 2,500 employees on staff and a number of contractors, inventory and warehouse management is an immense challenge."

The Paperless Jobsite

Posted March&nbs-06:00;31,&nbs-06:00;2018

The Paperless Jobsite

For many years, paper was ubiquitous in the construction industry. From invoices to drawings, paper was everywhere – but this...

FAQs about ToolHound

What business problem does tool & equipment tracking solve?

When equipment is lost or misplaced, the result is stalled productivity and the potential for overstocking of tools. A robust tool and equipment management system like ToolHound delivers the ability to gain complete control over your entire equipment and tool inventory. ToolHound tracks the issue and return of tools to contractors and employees, as well as the transfer of equipment between various job sites and tool room locations, using a simple and accurate inventory management system and a comprehensive database. 

ToolHound’s inventory tracking software helps companies of all sizes maximize equipment utilization, minimize tool loss and hoarding, increase employee accountability, and improve productivity to enable significant cost savings.

Can ToolHound work in remote areas?

ToolHound is a robust solution delivering significant benefit for companies with a variety of tools and equipment, particularly those operating in multiple locations. ToolHound is a browser-based application that uses the power of the Internet or corporate intranet to manage assets across far-flung locations. Tracking an unlimited number of tools and equipment across job sites is further simplified with ToolHound Mobile software and a mobile computer with integrated bar code or RFID reader, making the collection of data quick and easy even in remote areas. In areas without cellular or WiFi available, data can be stored on the mobile computer and synced with the database when communications is restored.

How do I evaluate tool & equipment tracking for my application?

Choosing a tool and equipment management system for your construction, maintenance or repair business is an important step toward greater productivity. The ability to quickly and easily manage your entire tool inventory, whether at one location or multiple job sites, is critical. However, a robust asset tracking system also should deliver the ability to:

  • Share inventory data and provide accurate reporting across your entire organization
  • Monitor and schedule required maintenance
  • Alert when the inventory level for an item is low
  • Recapture tooling costs with automated billing for usage
  • Manage tool purchasing and resale
  • Get up to speed quickly with personalized technical support.

How accurate is tool & equipment tracking technology?

The powerful ToolHound construction inventory management system uses the latest wireless, RFID and bar code technologies to track and manage tools and equipment. Once the assets are labeled and entered into the system, a complete and accurate view of your inventory is available in real-time. With a quick scan of the barcode or RFID tag affixed to an item, all the available information about that item is readily available.

Can ToolHound locate all of my tools & equipment at the click of a button?

ToolHound was designed for maximum speed and ease of use, based on real-world experience and feedback from our customers. As tools are checked in and out, the ToolHound database is automatically updated to reflect an up-to-the-minute picture of all the valuable assets being tracked in the system for greater tool control, cost savings, operating efficiencies and overall peace of mind.

Should I use RFID or bar code to track my tools and equipment?

The data input method is largely dependent on your particular tool usage and storage conditions. Bar codes are ideal for inexpensive items, tools that have a protective location to place the bar code label, or for shelf labeling. However, with large equipment and tools that are left outside in the weather, or those exposed to rough and dirty conditions on a regular basis, an RFID tag is more durable. In most situations, a combination of bar codes and RFID tags provide the best solution.

An additional consideration is the availability of personnel to assist with tool inventory check-in and check-out. To achieve the utmost automation and speed, consider RFID technology to enable a self-serve tool crib application using ToolHound.

Who is ToolHound?

For 35 years, ToolHound has delivered a comprehensive portfolio of tool and equipment management solutions for companies of all sizes across a variety of industries, including construction, power generation, chemical processing, mining and job site equipment maintenance and rental. ToolHound specializes in personalized technical support with on-site training and installation expertise.

Parallax Without An Image

This is how a parallax panel without an image looks like.

Side By Side With No Image

This is a sample side by side panel without an image. It is strongly recommended to include an image with this panel.

Do you know where your tools are?

Lower costs. More revenue. One powerful tool.